Water….Lets use less
09 May 2022, Posted by Blog in
Water….Let’s Use Less
Water is a resource. Only three percent of the Earth’s water supply is made up of freshwater, with only half a percent of that available for human consumption.
With a quick search of the internet, you’ll find a restaurant uses an average of 5,800 gallons per day. (Thank you Powerhouse Dynamics for that info)
I’ve got a few ideas, how we could minimize that….if you’re into that kind of thing
Kitchen Cruise
There are several common pieces of equipment when looking at kitchens, and their water usage. You’ll find after reading with some small tweaks, you’ll be on your way to helping the environment one gallon at a time.Full Steam Ahead
You’ll find a steamer in a lot of kitchens, and their water usage can vary, an alternative is to use a microwave, something like an Amana AMSO35…yeah that’ll do the trick. https://youtu.be/sfo1lms1Bp4Ice Ice Baby
Next stop, the Ice Machine. If you dive into the spec sheets you will find that Blueair ice machines use several less gallons of water per day versus the leading competitors, all while maintaining a quality cube of frozen water. https://www.blueairinc.com/categories?bcid=2
No more Kiddie Pools
If you enjoy the flexibility and precision a combi oven gives you…I get it. They also use enough water during the cleaning cycle to fill up your back yard pool…slight exaggeration. CresCor manufactures a spectacular piece of equipment called the “RO” oven, and it can do almost anything a combi can, and you use a fraction of the water, along with paying a fraction of the price for the equipment itself. Definitely something worth looking into. https://youtu.be/oWqNV4jcAig
Dish Duty
As we continue on our Culinary Cruise of water consumption, lets visit the “Dish Pit”. If you haven’t checked out what Jackson WWS is doing when it comes to efficiency, then you’re missing out. They make one of the most efficient….if not THE most efficient dish machines commercial kitchens has ever experienced. Not only do they use less water than the competition (Which has several peripheral benefits), they also get your dishes clean the first time through. https://youtu.be/DBScd7JtEaMA Waterfall of Savings…
Our final stop on this journey is one with a niche application, but it’s worth noting, b/c when it comes to the competition….we blow them out of the….wait for it….WATER. (You’re welcome) Server Products makes a sweet little kitchen contraption called the ConservWell. This wonderfully engineered gem takes water, and heats it up so that bacteria can’t grow, and you change it out every 2-4 hours allowing you to do away with your perpetual flow dipper wells, which guzzle more water than the German Rugby team guzzles beer during Oktoberfest (No actual research was done here….but it would be fun to). https://youtu.be/7P1bHq-dqiE