Why a podcast? Why Foodservice for Thought?
In early 2018, my colleague, Justin Olivares and I hatched the idea of a podcast. And as far as we know we are the first Foodservice Manufacturer’s Rep groups hosting a podcast. We thought it was the best way to tell people about our industry. Or about our side of the industry anyway. Then the purpose behind Foodservice for Thought became simply about connections. About how to connect the general public to the foodservice industry in a way that would help them understand how big the foodservice and hospitality industry is and how much it moves our economy and way of life.
Foodservice for Thought podcast is evolving. When we first started researching podcasts, we read about how easy it was to start a podcast. We found so many “to do” lists. Lists that warned us of what me must absolutely NOT DO and lists of what me MUST do. These lists were terrifying, but we were seriously determined. We went into this with such confidence in ourselves that it didn’t occur to us it wouldn’t work. It didn’t occur to us that not every single person in the universe wasn’t waiting to hear our voices introduce them to people from our industry. We were pretty sure everyone in the world wanted to meet foodservice directors, franchise owners, past White House chefs turned local school foodservice professional and guess what…we still feel that way. We’ve learned a lot and have big plans for 2019, but we still feel that way.
As I said the podcast is evolving. We are learning sound and how some rooms are better than others for recording. We are learning how to better record remotely, we are learning to do things on a budget, we are learning to just do it, and not to wait for it to be perfect. Sometimes you just have to start. We are learning that not everyone loves podcasts as much as we do and furthermore some people have never even listened to one. As a person who loves to learn about people that was a shocker for me.
We hope you tune in and if you take a moment to give us your feedback, we’d love that even more. We are convinced it’s important for the endurance and growth of our industry that the general public be in the know about us all, be it restaurant server, chef, R & D, QA, CEO, start-up restaurant, child nutrition director, nutritionist, manufacturers rep, service agent, foodservice director, farmer, food manufacturer, food scientist, sales person, restaurant supplier or any of the thousands of other job titles who feed the public.
Our next episode releases Tuesday, 1/22/19. John Lara with Frisco ISD tells us his journey from the US Navy, cooking in the White House and then for President George W. Bush and Laura Bush at their home in Texas.
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Foodservice for Thought Podcast is on iTunes.